Use These Tips To Get Organized In The New Year
Are you tired of all the clutter in your home? Does the disorganization make it hard for you to focus? Do yourself a favor and crush the clutter by utilizing your home’s existing space for increased storage. Use these tips to get organized in 2015.
- Use Your Vertical Space:From your office to your laundry room, utilizing your wall space can be the key to a clutter-free home. Install affordable hanging rods in your laundry room for air-drying space, and put hanging file baskets up in your office to free up extra desk space.
- Use Your Ceiling:You may not think to put things that high up, but mounting a hanging pot rack in your kitchen can be the solution to all of your pot and pan storage woes. Finally, a place to put that colander!
- Use Your Extra Space:Do you have an odd area at the end of a hallway, landing of a staircase, or under your stairs that you have been unsure what to do with? Add shelving customized to fit the space to give yourself extra storage space throughout your home.
- Use Your Existing Shelving:Your bookshelf can be the perfect place to display the extra décor that is making your home feel cluttered. Create beautiful displays on your existing shelves by clustering vases, small pictures, and other small decorative items.
Is it your dream to get into a home that already has the built-ins necessary for keeping your life flawlessly organized? Do not hesitate to contact Betsy Dittman for all of your real estate needs. She will guide you to premium California luxury real estate properties. Serving Los Angeles and Conejo Valley, Betsy is the real estate expert who can get you into your dream home this year. Contact Betsy today.